Wednesday 21 November 2012

Logo Ideas

I have decided to develop the logo further as i think the original logo is outdated. I started with scanning in my drawn idea however this didn’t look good on computer which was a shame. So I began experimenting with typography. I created outlines so I could put my personal touch on the type itself. I have kept to a blue colour scheme,. Whilst experimenting I have used gradients tints, type on path tool. The reason I used the type of path tool is because I wanted my text to glide and make it look more like water without adding the blue colour as my background is already blue.  Another effext I have used is the brush tool, this gave my logo a nice rough look however I feel ths doesn’t relate to the product itself. 

Tuesday 20 November 2012

Diagram Development

I have produced the diagram in Adobe Illustrator, this has been taken from the original however I will be changing the colour schemes in the next week however I feel that this is a decent looking diagram as it is but I would like to be my own stamp on it. So I will be changing the bacteria to a green, and I have produced the water flow using the brush tool in Adobe Illustrator. I think this is quite effective. I could of used the original image however I wanted to use Illustrator to add my own touch to the website. 

This is my final diagram, I felt green worked better than red in my own personal opinion. The original diagram had arrows that shown what each element however I felt that wasn't needed. As they are already instructions of how it works on the page I don't feel it needs to be repeated. 

Final Wire Frames

Thursday 15 November 2012

Thoughts on design

When designing my wire frames I wanted to keep it looking modern and exciting. So began doing site maps, this was my starting point. So I produced rough wire frames which I thought would work nicely. However after asking my house mates they pointed out it looked dated. So I began researching into other water filtering websites and I found most of them kept to a clean crisp simplistic design. So I began producing wire frames taking this into consideration. This time I liked the look of my wire frames but it was still too large for this type of website. 

I needed to rethink the sub sections, So after much debating I have decided to embed the sub sections into main elements so instead of the website being 10 pages, I have cut it down to five. In my opinion this is more manageable and easier for the user. I have kept to the same design which I feel will have a nice simplistic look and feel. 

After I had finally decided on the wire frames and design, I began developing the logo. The reasoning behind this is because I feel the logo at the moment is very stiff to say its the face of a water based company. I produced a quick brainstorm and developed on the ideas that I jotted down. I'm aware the logo has to legible. Because of this factor I tried out a funky bold typeface, however I felt it looked inappropriate, So I began experimenting with handwritten typefaces, I felt this had a better overall look. I will be developing these ideas further. 

For the background of the website I was in two minds whether to keep it white as white space draws to your eyes or adding a light blue to a dark blue gradient tint. I began creating this in my sketch book using pencil crayons however I wasn't able to produce a wash using this material so I will be using water colours to try and produce a more even outcome. I will be experimenting with this idea further. 

However if this idea doesn't prove to work, I will be adding elements to reinforce who I'm aiming this product at such as hikers, campers etc. An example would be a tent, hills etc to the header. If I head down this route I won't be using photographs I would like to add a more illustrative look. The website already has this styling, so I will be keeping to this rough outline when developing this idea.