Monday 29 October 2012

Critique of I straw

I believe the best way of improving a website is to critique of the original. The brief I have chosen is I straw I want to bring this website right up to date. I want the product to be more appealing because at the moment, I think the website makes the product look bland. And in my opinion this product is a great invention. I will be aiming my new website to campers, hikers and travellers. As I feel this is the main audience, I did take the third world into consideration however I don't think in reality they would buy this product.

The home page has so much text and information which in my opinion isn't needed. A lot of the information is repeated on several pages, so the viewer is constantly repeating themselves. This can be off putting, so I want to make the website simple like the product itself. Also the website didn't need to put a box around the text, this makes it look dull and uninviting. 

The typography that runs without the website doesn't fit the product. I would like to use a softer, rounded typeface. The reasoning behind this is that water flows so I want to enhance this factor. I think the choice of the colour of blue is too dark and intense for this particular product. The product helps and improves natural resources so I will be lightening the colour majorly to show its a inventive and clever product. 

At the moment the logo its very stiff and corporate, I personally think this isn't the right angle as this is the main element which the consumer will remember. Logos in my opinion is a very important factor.

I have also noticed that the website only shows the Istraw, but however they also produce a water bottle. I think that this would be the more popular product because it's easily carried, stored and it hold more water than the straw itself. I will bringing this product to the front of the website along with the Istraw. I noticed the website shows the price of the Istraw straight away, If  I was to go on this website I would be put off. The reason behind this is because its trying to get me to buy something before I have even looked into the product. 

However I will be keeping the different sections of the website for example what is Istraw?. This is a great element but I'm aware that this sections are not clear because of the amount of text within the home page. I will be using a range of buttons which will be down the right side. I'm convinced this will be more clear to the user. 

I will also be keeping the video however I will be making certain changes. I would like a demonstration of someone using the I straw, because this will give the product more authenticity to see someone using in a real situation. I'm hoping the company will send us free samples so we can produce this within my video.

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