Monday 1 October 2012

First task 24/09/12

The first lesson consisted of looking at the internet and what surrounds the World Wide Web. We went through a power point on all the different points such as java script, protocols, gateways etc. Some sections of the powerpoint I fully understood however some areas which I was confused about. At the end of the lecture we was asked to research two sections of the power point to research and look deeper into the terms. 

I choose java script and web page plugs in as these are terms which I don't understand. I began looking back over the power point to refresh my memory and I began researching.

Java Script

Java script is the Netscape which was developed with a scripting language that is used in millions of web pages and server applications. It's a scripting language with a supporting prototype. Its a lightweight programming language that supports the writing of the scripts. Java Scripts was designed to add interactivity to HTML pages. The code is inserted into HTML pages to be executed by the web browser. (meaning that the browser would interpret the commands directly without requiring the code to be compiled and without requiring a plug in to be able to run it)

Web page plug ins

Web page plug are sets of software components that adds specific abilities to a larger software application. If supported, plug ins enable customising the functionality of an application. For example plug ins are commonly used in web browsers to play videos, scan for viruses and display new file types. Examples include Adobe Flash Player, Quick Time and Java Applets. 

I know feel I have a better understanding of the term itself, this exercise has helped me greatly. I'm looking forward to learn more about Java Scripts because this one of the main elements of this module. However as I have never used any java scripts this is seems very daunting at the moment. But I'm confident that I will be able to get used to the software. 

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