Monday 29 October 2012

Other Water Filtering Websites

This is the first website that I looked at water bobble and this is exactly where I want to take my own website. The website has made the product look as exciting as it is. The black space behind the text and images works amazingly well. I wanted the product to be the main focus point and this website has produced this. I will be taking this website into consideration when I come to finalising my ideas. I may change my wireframe to look similar to this website as its very basic and straight to the point. Istraws website is over complicated and quite confusing to the eye, so this is why I'm taking the website away from this.

When I first looked at this website, it was clean and crisp. I knew that this website related to water even if I had clicked it on accident. I straw doesn't have this impact, and this is what I would like to achieve. The layout itself is also simplistic and easy to navigate, because of this I may use white space in a similar way. This website has been cleverly designed and a lot of thought has been taken. I think I may have jumped into my wireframes to early, so I will be changing elements.

Personally this website has gone overboard with the water element, because of this the website looks outdated and crude. As I was planning on adding this to my own website, I need to be careful of factor. Also this particular website has been overloaded too much with information. Its hard on the eyes and hard to navigate.

This website has a similar layout to esp water products, which in my opinion is a bad design. However its bright and eye catching but again it has too much information on the home screen. The products are clearly shown for the user, I feel this is a good idea but when you go to the next stage there is more information which isn't needed. I personally was starting to get bored with navigating through all of the wireframes. 

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