Sunday 7 October 2012

Notes on powerpoint

What I use the internet used for?

  • Downloading music, mainly youtube
  • Social networking (Twitter,tumblr and facebook)
  • Online shopping (HMV, river island, sainsburys etc)
  • Catchup t.v/ films

About the internet

  • It started in the 1960s, in the american defence transferred information through many computers
  • The advanced research project agency (ARPA) created a network
  • Gateways - all computer networks are connected
  • Protocols - exist for different types of internet traffic
  • TCP/IP - transmission control protocol/ internet protocol
  • internet addresses - each computer has a unique name eg
  • domain addresses - we prefer names then numbers so instead of it becomes
  • ISP - internet service provider - provides the internet
  • Server - is another computer possibly without a screen, with many other banks of computers in room somewhere,
  • Web host - is a company that store your websites on their server
  • URL- uniform resource locater
  • HTML- hypertext markup language is language designed to display text and allow hyperlink to be embedded within it
  • browser - software to allows you to access the WWW.
  • Bandwidth - the capacity of a line to carry data.
Tim berners lee developed the world wide web in 1991 and ted nelson helped him to produce non linear text documents.

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